Hello, Anonymous Viewer. First off, let me welcome you to my site. It ain't much - but when you spend every day spilling your lifeblood into the machinations of your corporate overlords, it becomes difficult to summon the energy required to make that Whole Foods pie sitting in your freezer for dinner, let alone maintain a series of side projects. But someone as canny and seasoned as yourself already knows this. The scarcity of time, effort, and spent energy is a reality, and great consideration should be put into determining what that coin is spent on. But make no mistake - in many cases, self-negotiation is the catalyst for self-annihilation, and one should not confuse the appraisal and allocation of effort with a fundamental lack of discipline. Somewhat ironically, you could argue that it takes a strong sense of discipline to make these kinds of judgments in the first place. And speaking of discipline: what else do we have, if this we lack? All any of us chimps can do is present our truest self to the world, and how can we truly know ourselves if we can't even understand and control our most basic instincts and behaviors? Discipline is control, and control is freedom. And we all learned about the transitive property.
Anyways, a little about myself. I go by Michael and I currently reside in the lovely mountain town of Fort Collins, Colorado. As someone who is originally from an east coast city (Pittsburgh), I was shocked to learn that the eye contact and casual greetings by total strangers is considered not only normal but expected, out west. I've been out here for over 4 years at this point, but I'm still learning. I've worked my way up to a brief glance and an affable nod - and someday I hope to graduate to verbal interactions. But I also understand the importance of managing expectations. I make my livelihood via the ancient art of JavaScript, and I am considered by many to be quite proficient. More recently, I've been consumed with the concept of micro-frontends. As someone who has seen the monolithic and often-archaic nature of many front ends, being able to mirror the structure of microservices - and reap the benefits - on the client-side is something well worth pursuing in many cases. One of these days, I'll write a series of articles documenting my experience architecting and implementing a micro-frontend-based architecture at HPE... Outside of my indentured servitude, I can be found slogging through 40-50 mile stretches of trail in the Rocky Mountains, greedily turning the pages of whatever book I'm reading, heaving plates at the gym, skimming through documentation, ordering a fourth round, staring blankly at my phone, or listening to old episodes of Norm MacDonald Live.